Quinton Heights Neighborhood Improvement

  • Intersection Improvements
  • Surveying
  • Transportation Engineering

Project Overview

Year completed: 2020

Construction Cost: $1,270,000

Location: Topeka, KS

SBB’s design of the Quinton Heights SORT Project was a culmination of a robust public involvement and neighborhood planning project, resulting in the reconstruction of 24th Street and Central Park Street in the Quinton Heights and Steele Neighborhood in central Topeka. In addition to the street construction, the project replaced or added an enclosed storm sewer system, replaced an aging water line, replaced deteriorated sidewalks, added infill sidewalks where none existed, and added a traffic calming median island and crosswalk at the intersection of 24th & Buchanan to connect the neighborhood to Shunga Glen Park. 

Project Successes

  • SORT neighborhood improvement
  • ASCE QL-A – utility identification
  • Infill sidewalk and pedestrian improvements
  • Traffic calming crosswalk and trail connection
  • Design completed 1-year ahead of schedule