29th & McClure Intersection Improvements – Topeka, KS

  • Transportation Engineering
  • Intersection Improvements

Project Overview

Year completed: 2019

Construction Cost: $1,275,000

Location: Topeka, KS

The improvements at SW 29th & McClure Road was a joint project between the City of Topeka and KDOT to improve the safety and capacity of this intersection.  

Our team’s design worked within the existing right-of-way and we revised the existing profile and cross-slope design to avoid impacting the AT&T duct bank under the south curb of the roadway to expedite the project schedule. We coordinated additional subsurface utility exploration that field-verified horizontal and vertical elevations with other utility providers that resulted in zero utility conflicts encountered on the project. The paving for 29th & McClure was completed before an adjacent project to the east which started the previous year.

The project scope was also expanded to include complete reconstruction of SW 29th Street and the addition of a 12’ right turn lane with a shoulder on the I-470 exit ramp, as well as having new traffic signals installed to align with the improved pavement geometry.

Aside from the engineering work, our scope also included leading a public meeting with the area’s businesses who were already frustrated with pace construction at 29th & Fairlawn. SBB led the meeting and discussed project scope, schedule, and temporary access for the businesses affected by the McClure Road closure. The City of Topeka Community Education Manager, David Bevins, said, “The presentation was excellent…and the discussion back and forth was good. I haven’t heard anyone clap at the end of a public meeting in a long time!”

Project Successes

  • Two-way traffic was maintained during construction
  • Improved traffic safety and capacity
  • Expanded scope to include pedestrian and bicycle connections
  • Positive collaboration with local businesses and residential buildings
  • Coordination with Topeka Metro to improve bus stop
  • Subsurface Utility Exploration
  • ASCE QL-A coordination resulted in no utility conflicts during construction

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